Fork 0
Dynamically replaces network information in cloned virtual machines connected by vde
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Simon Moser ee257888d7
Dirty version, only for remote access
vor 3 Jahren
README.assets Overview diagram updated vor 3 Jahren
proxy Dirty version, only for remote access vor 3 Jahren
test-env Dirty version, only for remote access vor 3 Jahren
.gitignore Added missing error handling vor 3 Jahren
LICENSE Test environment added vor 3 Jahren Added wireshark mode, fixed DHCP bug vor 3 Jahren




Problematic protocols

Important and implemented:

  • DHCP
  • ARP

Nice to have:

  • NetBEUI / NetBIOS

Not supported:

  • IPv6 (NDP, Interface Identifier, ...)
  • IPSec
  • 802.1X

Third party libraries

  • gopacket: similar to libpcap, for parsing and serializing packets (BSD 3-clause license, authors: Andreas Krennmair & Google)
  • dhcp4: for handling and sending DHCP requests/responses (BSD 3-clause license, author: Richard Warburton/krolaw)
  • logrus: improved logging (MIT license, author: Simon Eskildsen/sirupsen)


proxy - main binary

$ ./proxy -help
Usage of ./proxy:
  -log int
        allowed: 5 (debug), 4 (info), 3 (warning), 2 (error), 1 (fatal) (default 4)
  -logfile string
        Location to write output to
  -newip string
        IP after change
  -newmac string
        MAC after change
  -oldip string
        IP before change
  -oldmac string
        MAC before change
        Whether to pass every traffic through
  -pidfile string
        Location to write the pid to
  -smain string
        Main switch sock path, - for stdin/out (default "/run/vde/sw_main.sock")
  -sproxy string
        Proxy switch sock path (default "/run/vde/sw_proxy1.sock")
        Whether to write all traffic to /tmp

envctl - control VMs, network etc

$ ./envctl
Usage: envctl {start|stop|restart} {all|network|vms|alpine|alpine1|alpine2|kali|proxy2|proxy3|proxies}