In the next step, the parsed 2D-array is plotted in \texttt{ddrescue\_tui\}. This code uses the module \texttt{matplotlib}\cite{matplotlib} to generate a plot and \texttt{PIL}\cite{pil} to load the generated plot into the memory. The plot is generated as a heat map with \texttt{matplotlib.pylot.imshow}. Each numerical value of the 2D array representing the rescueing status from the parsing step is assigned a colour value via the \texttt{COLORS} constant. The plot is set up without any decorators such as labels or ticks and then drawn in memory using the figure's \texttt{canvas.draw} function. Using the figure's \texttt{canvas.get\_renderer().buffer\_rgba}, a binary representation of the plot is copied from memory and loaded using PIL's \texttt{Image.frombytes}. Finally, the remnants of the plot are cleaned up and the PIL image is returned for display. The following section described how the display was implemented in a terminal application.