from nmap import PortScanner from threading import Thread from argparse import ArgumentParser from datetime import datetime class AnmapThread(Thread): def __init__(self, hostname, ports, logger, out): Thread.__init__(self) = hostname self.ports = ports self.nm = PortScanner() self.logger = logger self.daemon = True self.out = out class ThoroughAnmapThread(AnmapThread): def run(self): self.logger.log("Starting thorough scan on " + self.nm.scan(, "1," + ",".join(self.ports), arguments='-sSVC -A -Pn{}'.format(output_argument(self.out,, 2))) host = self.nm[] for p in host.all_tcp(): if p == 1: continue print("Port {}/tcp: {}".format(p, host['tcp'][p])) self.logger.log("Finished thorough scan on " + class UDPAnmapThread(AnmapThread): def run(self): self.logger.log("Starting UDP scan on " + self.nm.scan(, arguments='-sVCU -A -Pn --top-ports {}{}'. format(self.ports, output_argument(self.out,, 3))) host = self.nm[] for p in host.all_udp(): print("Port {}/udp: {}".format(p, host['udp'][p])) self.logger.log("Finished UDP scan on " + class Logger: def __init__(self, verbose): self.verbose = verbose def log(self, message): if self.verbose: print("{}: {}".format(date(True), message)) def date(long=False): if long: return"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S") return"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M") def output_argument(o, host, st): host = host.replace("/", "x") host = host.replace(" ", "") if not o: return "" if st == 1: return " -oG nmap_{}_S_{}".format(host, date()) if st == 2: return " -oG nmap_{}_SVCA_{}".format(host, date()) if st == 3: return " -oG nmap_{}_VCUA_{}".format(host, date()) def run(args): if args.d: args.v = True args.u = 100 l = Logger(args.v) # Scanning all tcp ports nm = PortScanner() l.log("Starting quick scan") if args.d: nm.scan(args.HOST, arguments='-sS -Pn -p1-1000{}'.format(output_argument(args.o, args.HOST, 1))) else: nm.scan(args.HOST, arguments='-sS -Pn -p-{}'.format(output_argument(args.o, args.HOST, 1))) l.log("Finished quick scan") host_list = dict() for hostname in nm.all_hosts(): host = nm[hostname] port_list = list() for p in host.all_tcp(): if nm[hostname]['tcp'][p]['state'] == 'open': port_list.append(str(p)) if port_list is not list(): host_list[hostname] = port_list # Starting thorough and udp scan in separate threads thread_list = [] for host, open_port_list in host_list.items(): t1 = ThoroughAnmapThread(host, open_port_list, l, args.o) t1.start() thread_list.append(t1) t2 = UDPAnmapThread(host, args.u, l, args.o) t2.start() thread_list.append(t2) # Waiting for the threads to finish for t in thread_list: t.join() if __name__ == "__main__": # Argument parsing parser = ArgumentParser(description="This script automates nmap scans by quickly scanning all TCP ports first and " "executing a thorough scan on all ports found open afterwards. " "Additionally it scans a given number of most used UDP ports.", prog="") parser.add_argument("-u", default=1000, type=int, help="The number of UDP ports to scan (Default 1000)") parser.add_argument("-v", action="store_true", help="This enables verbose output") parser.add_argument("-d", action="store_true", help="Sets flags -v and -u 100 and scans only the first 1000 tcp ports") parser.add_argument("-o", action="store_true", help="Enables saving of output files") parser.add_argument("HOST", type=str, help="The hosts to scan (Same notations as in nmap possible)") try: run(parser.parse_args()) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("User Interrupt") exit(0)