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124 Zeilen
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import nmap
import masscan
from threading import Thread
from datetime import datetime
class AnmapThread(Thread):
def __init__(self, hostname, ports, verbose, out):
self.host = hostname
self.ports = ports
self.scanner = nmap.PortScanner()
self.verbose = verbose
self.daemon = True
self.out = out
class ThoroughAnmapThread(AnmapThread):
def run(self):
log("Starting thorough scan on " + self.host, self.verbose)
self.scanner.scan(self.host, "1," + ",".join(self.ports),
arguments='-sSVC -A -Pn{}'.format(output(self.out, self.host, 2)))
if self.out:
with open(output(True, self.host, 5), "w") as outfile:
host = self.scanner[self.host]
for p in host.all_tcp():
if p == 1:
log("Port {}/tcp: {}".format(p, host['tcp'][p]), self.verbose)
log("Finished thorough scan on " + self.host, self.verbose)
class UDPAnmapThread(AnmapThread):
def run(self):
log("Starting UDP scan on " + self.host, self.verbose)
self.scanner.scan(self.host, arguments='-sVCU -A -Pn --top-ports {}{}'.
format(self.ports, output(self.out, self.host, 3)))
if self.out:
with open(output(True, self.host, 6), "w") as outfile:
host = self.scanner[self.host]
for p in host.all_udp():
log("Port {}/udp: {}".format(p, host['udp'][p]), self.verbose)
log("Finished UDP scan on " + self.host, self.verbose)
class BaseAnmapThread(AnmapThread):
def __init__(self, hostname, ports, verbose, out):
AnmapThread.__init__(self, hostname, ports, verbose, out)
self.host_dict = dict()
def run(self):
log("Starting quick scan", self.verbose)
self.scanner.scan(self.host, arguments='-sS -Pn -p{}{}'.format(self.ports, output(self.out, self.host, 1)))
if self.out:
with open(output(True, self.host, 4), "w") as outfile:
log("Finished quick scan", self.verbose)
for hostname in self.scanner.all_hosts():
host = self.scanner[hostname]
port_list = list()
for p in host.all_tcp():
if self.scanner[hostname]['tcp'][p]['state'] == 'open':
if port_list is not list():
self.host_dict[hostname] = port_list
def rjoin(self):
return self.host_dict
class MasscanAnmapThread(BaseAnmapThread):
def __init__(self, hostname, ports, verbose, out):
AnmapThread.__init__(self, hostname, ports, verbose, out)
self.host_dict = dict()
self.scanner = masscan.PortScanner()
def run(self):
log("Starting masscan scan", self.verbose)
self.scanner.scan(self.host, arguments='-p{}{}'.format(self.ports, output(self.out, self.host, 7)))
log("Finished quick scan", self.verbose)
for hostname in self.scanner.all_hosts():
host = self.scanner[hostname]
port_list = list()
for p in host.all_tcp():
if self.scanner[hostname]['tcp'][p]['state'] == 'open':
if port_list is not list():
self.host_dict[hostname] = port_list
def output(o, host, st):
host = host.replace("/", "x")
host = host.replace(" ", "")
if not o:
return ""
if st == 1:
return " -oG nmap_{}_S_{}.gnmap".format(host, date())
if st == 2:
return " -oG nmap_{}_SVCA_{}.gnmap".format(host, date())
if st == 3:
return " -oG nmap_{}_VCUA_{}.gnmap".format(host, date())
if st == 4:
return "nmap_{}_S_{}.xml".format(host, date())
if st == 5:
return "nmap_{}_SVCA_{}.xml".format(host, date())
if st == 6:
return "nmap_{}_VCUA_{}.xml".format(host, date())
if st == 7:
return " -oG masscan_{}_S_{}.gnmap -oX masscan_{}_S_{}.xml".format(host, date(), host, date())
def log(message, verbose):
if verbose:
print("{}: {}".format(date(True), message))
def date(long=False):
if long:
return datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S")
return datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M")