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from rdflib import Graph, namespace
from collections import defaultdict
import time
def merge_tuples(a_tup, b_tup, b_excl):
b_list = list(b_tup)
del b_list[b_excl]
return tuple(list(a_tup)+b_list)
def hash_join(a_table, b_table, a_index=1, b_index=0):
# Create a hash dict and fill it with the first table
hash_dict = defaultdict(list)
for a_tup in a_table:
# For each element in second table check elements from first table by index
return [merge_tuples(a_tup, b_tup, b_index) for b_tup in b_table for a_tup in hash_dict[b_tup[b_index]]]
class SortMergeJoin:
def get_key(self, a):
return self.selected_tuples[a][self.indexes[a]]
def active_key(self):
return self.get_key(self.a_is_active)
def inactive_key(self):
return self.get_key(not self.a_is_active)
def __init__(self, a_table, b_table, a_index=1, b_index=0):
# First sort both tables and create iterators from that
self.iterators = {
True: iter(sorted(a_table, key=lambda tup: tup[a_index])),
False: iter(sorted(b_table, key=lambda tup: tup[b_index]))
self.indexes = {
True: a_index,
False: b_index
self.selected_tuples = {
True: next(self.iterators[True]),
False: next(self.iterators[False])
except StopIteration:
self.a_is_active = True
self.result = list()
def join(self):
while True:
while self.active_key() <= self.inactive_key():
if self.active_key() == self.inactive_key():
self.result.append(merge_tuples(self.selected_tuples[True], self.selected_tuples[False], self.indexes[False]))
self.selected_tuples[self.a_is_active] = next(self.iterators[self.a_is_active])
self.a_is_active = not self.a_is_active
except StopIteration:
return self.result
def nested_loop_join(a_table, b_table, a_index=1, b_index=0):
return [merge_tuples(a_tup, b_tup, b_index) for a_tup in a_table for b_tup in b_table if a_tup[a_index] is b_tup[b_index]]
def compare(graph):
print(f"{len(graph)} records loaded")
wsdbm = namespace.Namespace("wsdbm:")
rev = namespace.Namespace("rev:")
properties = {
"follow": wsdbm.follows,
"friend": wsdbm.friendOf,
"like": wsdbm.likes,
"review": rev.hasReview
comp_tables = dict()
for p in properties:
comp_tables[p] = [(s.n3(), o.n3()) for s, _, o in graph.triples((None, properties[p], None))]
hash_start = time.time()
joinh1 = hash_join(comp_tables["follow"], comp_tables["friend"])
joinh2 = hash_join(joinh1, comp_tables["like"], 2)
joinh3 = hash_join(joinh2, comp_tables["review"], 3)
print(f"{time.time()-hash_start}s for Hash Join ({len(joinh3)} items)")
merge_sort_start = time.time()
joinsm1 = SortMergeJoin(comp_tables["follow"], comp_tables["friend"]).join()
joinsm2 = SortMergeJoin(joinsm1, comp_tables["like"], 2).join()
joinsm3 = SortMergeJoin(joinsm2, comp_tables["review"], 3).join()
print(f"{time.time()-merge_sort_start}s for Sort Merge Join ({len(joinsm3)} items)")
loop_start = time.time()
joinnl1 = hash_join(comp_tables["follow"], comp_tables["friend"])
joinnl2 = hash_join(joinnl1, comp_tables["like"], 2)
joinnl3 = hash_join(joinnl2, comp_tables["review"], 3)
print(f"{time.time()-loop_start}s for Nested Loop Join ({len(joinnl3)} items)")
g = Graph()
g.parse("watdiv-url100k.txt", format="nt")
h = Graph()
h.parse("watdiv.10M.nt", format="nt")